• 业务专栏
  • 服务英语
Lesson 2 › 处理退货的事


S= Salesperson(售货员) C= Customer(顾客)

The customer has just picked out a shirt and a pair of pants and the salesperson is gift-wrapping them for him.


C: What is your policy on returns?


S: If you bring them back with your receipt within seven days, you'll get a full refund. Also, if you need alterations to the pants, just bring them in and we'll do them for free.


C: Sounds good.


S: That'll be $70, please. Will you be paying by cash or charge?


C: Charge. Here's my card.


S: Okay, sir, here you are. Thank you very much.



1.pick out… 挑选……

例:Tracy went to the department store to pick out some gifts for her friends. (特蕾西到百货公司为她朋友挑选一些礼物。)

2.bring sth back 带回某物= bring back something

例:Mr. Wilson made a business trip to. Europe and brought back some souvenirs for his children. (威尔森先生到欧洲出差,并为他的孩子带回一些纪念品。)

3. receipt n.收据

4.refund n.退款

5.alteration n. 修改;改变

alter vt. 修改(衣服,房屋等);改变(形状,外貌等) make an alteration to sth 修改/变更某物 例:Because of his spy's report, the general made several alterations to his battle plan. (由于情报人员的报告,那位将军把作战计划做了几项修正。) Your skirt should be altered; it's too long. (你的裙子应该改一改,它太长了。)

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